Zonda's Gunrunners

Zonda Stock, a gun runner during the War, now leads the most notorious Isan smuggler crew. She refused to replace a physical weakness, because she doesn’t believe she has any, and she sets out to prove it through prowess and ruthlessness. Second in command is Steel Müz, a peerless engineer and pilot who takes body modification to an extreme, even by Isan standards. They’re joined by Lisilda, who replaced her blind eyes with an ancient Conclave artifact called the Allscope, giving her visions that may account for the crew’s uncanny ability to locate and steal well hidden treasures.

Zonda’s crew of hotshot pilots and engineers focuses on speed above all else, racing to the plunder and mounting daring getaways before the competition can get close. They’re not afraid to make enemies: Goading other pirate crews and then proving themselves against the odds through speed, ingenuity, and boldness is their version of the Isan-Kanri ethos.