Nine Fingers’ Privateers

Malleon pirates have their own ideas of coin and code, but no outfit has more wealth and notoriety than Captain Nine Fingers’ privateers. A veteran of the Malleon Imperial Navy, Nine Fingers retired after winning decorations for exemplary service in the closing battles of the War. Nine Fingers has a sixth sense for outmaneuvering his rivals’ plots: Rumor has it his phantom finger itches to warn him of a double-cross. His partnership with his second-in-command, Abigail the Eye, has proven lucrative—her talent for finding dangerous jobs is only matched by his talent at keeping his crew alive to spend the plunder. Rounding out the officers is Quartermaster Lawrence, a man who breeds coin.

Nine Fingers wielded his command in the War like the rapier at his side, deflecting his Feron enemies’ clumsy aggression and using their brute force against them, and his pirate crew uses those same tactics. Where other crews rely on strength or speed, Nine Fingers’ crew prefers to let his rivals do the hard work and then extort, hoodwink, or steal the fruits of their labor.